Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years

2011 was a crazy year!

My husband and family went on another journey with God. We found out in January that the church where my husband was a part time youth pastor would no longer be able to pay us after June. In May, my husband graduated from college. Then the quest for a full time job started. Amazingly enough we only interviewed at 2 churches and after a long process we start at the new church on August 8. My husband is now a full time youth and children's pastor.

Usually I pick one theme verse each year. But last year I fell back on one from 2007.

Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Looking back on this year it feels as if I really have not move very far spiritual or physically. I just did what we need to get through. I was the rock of the family and put more into the family then to myself. We made it through and we are good, but I want to do better this next year. There are 2 commitments I am making for myself and this blog.

1. Post 26 things that pertain to the "temple"
2. Post and memories 52 new verse. The new church uses NIV, I know all verses in KJV.

Keep tuned and help me stay accountable to you my readers and to God my Lord.